Sunday, October 08, 2006


Pythagoras Dreaming Heroklitian Imagery During An Epicurean Feast The following is dedicated to HelioSol, whom has fueled our Earth with gravitational and radiant electromagnetic energy since the beginning of Earthtime. 

Einstein's theory of special relativity tells us that HelioSol warps his surrounding space so intensely that Earth is caught in his basin of gravitational energy, orbiting once every 365 days, spinning around once every 24 hours. Do not get to close to HS, for he is unlike the motherly Earth or Great Mother Universe. 

We live inside HelioSol's womb! For God's Sake, its a humungous fusion reactor. Instead, we build civilizations from photonic phallations of sovereign HelioSol. Without life to create information, there is only a benevolent laughing female universe of spinning energy oscillations. 

Energy comes in different forms: heat (thermal), motion (kinetic), potential (gravity), light (radiant), electrical (moving electrons), chemical (breaking chemical bonds), and nuclear (fueling the sun). 

All normal matter is composed of mass and therefore energy. Albert Einstein, with his famous equation e = mc^2, showed mass and energy are interchangeable- paving the way for atomic bomb destruction and nuclear energy production. 

 Ten kilograms of matter spontaneously turned into energy would power a one hundred watt light bulb for three hundred million years. The Scientific International unit of energy is a joule. Because power (watts) equals energy (joules) over time (seconds), power and energy are interchangeable. 

Randy Moss needs power to catch a football, obviously a miniscule quantity compared to the sun's energy. For a reference, it takes one joule of energy to lift an apple three meters off the Earth. It takes 100 joules per second to run a hundred watt light bulb. 

You will recognize another measure of energy: the calories found on nutrition labels. Working off calories is literally expending breaking down mass by expending energy.

 Physics tells us there are four fundamental forces in the universe- electromagnetic, weak,, strong, and gravity. Essentially, a force (newtons) exerted over a distance is work, which requires energy. 

The laws of thermodynamics posit that every action requires energy, EVEN THINKING. When you think, tiny chemicals and channels in your brain are sending miniscule electromagnetic impulses through neural networks- allowing us to process information. Energy comprises our very being. It surrounds us. It flows through us. 
 This isn't some New Age baloney about colored crystals energy vibrational auras- this is physics 101. We are made of energy. All natural phenomena are subject to energetic forces. Understanding energy provides an operational definition of efficiency: accomplishing tasks using the least amount of work. The path of least resistance is theoretically efficiency. Efficient electrical energy follows the path of least resistance. Let's dive into the thick of Sponergetic analysis. 

Praise to ApolloRaShamasHelioSol!
Love OmniSpo OmniSustainerPreserverOperator

Sponergy is an emerging energy paradigm for the Third Millennium. 

 Un Sponergy: Energy takes the most efficient path- the path of least resistance; the reason why water always flows downhill; why metal is dangerous in a lightning storm. 

 Bi Sponergy: Energy is essential to life's survival, especially the progression of human technology. Without sources of energy, the world's entire industrialized infrastructure would collapse: agriculture, transportation, waste collection, production, and communications. Energy is required to plow the fields, create fertilizers, build automobile system, construct buildings, mine materials, drive around, fly through the air, etc.

 TriSponergy: Earth has enough kinetic, thermal, and biochemical energy to provide for one trillion humans. We merely need look away from polluting mining and combusting- towards harvesting the kinetic, chemical, and nuclear energy flowing around each one of us. Instead of burning sticky brown oil and rock, ruining our farmland with cotton, and deforesting half of the world- why don't we grow hibiscus, soybean, corn, hemp for biofuels, employ carbohydrates for combustive fuel and fuel cells for all other applications. America uses 12 million imported barrels of oil each day, while we use only 8 million domestically produced barrels. 

 Quadro Sponergy: Electrical current the ideal power carrier- clean, instant, convenient and controllable. Humans employ electricity- electrons moving electrical charge through a wire- for endless uses: it is the main energy carrier in the power grid of industrialized countries, like America or Ireland. If you are reading this on a computer screen, you can thank electricity. If you rode the subway today, you can thank the movement of electrons. If you are playing portable crack (playstation portable), you are systematically bumping electrons around. 

PentaSponergy: Waste not energy. Using fossil fuels to generate electricity is a polluting energy sink. To explain, let's illustrate the current steps in fossil fuel electrical production: Produce huge drills and machines; Build mining platforms; Mine fossil fuels from deep in the ground or ocean; Transport Fossil Fuels to Power Plants; Burn Fossil Fuels to generate heat and steam which turn a turbine in a generator, working the conductive coils through a magnetic field- inducing electrical current. So many steps to produce kinetic energy to turn a turbine. Why not use the kinetic energy stored in the waves, water, and solar photons to produce electricity? Moral of the story: Fossil fuels were sweet at the beginning of the industrial age- now they are among the greatest threats to human society and Earth's ecosystem. Waste comes from ignorance and laziness. An example of turning wasted energy into power is Kid Energy, which uses the unbounded kinetic energy of kids on a merri-go-round to produce electricity. Scale this up one level and every gym's exercise machines are portable energy generators. 

 Sexy Sponergy: Historical eras do not end because of scarcity. They end because society evolves to a more efficient mode of production and the market reflects those changes. The Stone Age did not end because we stopped using stones. Fossil fuels will NEVER RUN OUT, as we can make oil out of turkey waste through thermal depolymerization (TDP). Peak Oil is a marketing scheme to distract people from the immanent energy/social/transportation revolution. The age of fossil fuels (AFF), responsible for so much destruction, war, competition, pollution, and suffering worldwide, transform into the age of renewable energy (ARE)- water power (WP), wind fuel (WF), pervasive solar philm (PSP), hemp biomass, hydrogen, fuel cells, waste energy production (WEP), nuclear fusion, and if necessary, biofuels like methane/methanol/ethanol. 

SeptoSponergy: Civilization is Transport. That is, all human societies are founded upon moving matter around in economic production. Humans must transport An ideal society has a transportation system that provides for everyone free of charge, with zero pollution, and follows the path of least resistance (US). See GRINT for more details about the future integrated networked transportation system. 

 Octo Sponergy: Combustion is Wasteful. We don't need to blow stuff up for energy! Use carbohydrates like biomass instead of hydrocarbons. Use green fuel over brown sticky sludge. 

 Naughty Sponergy: The future is a Grid of Renewable Integrated Networked Transportation (GRINT). It is completely automatic, run by powerful processors with numerous failsafe mechanisms. GRINT shall be constructed on top of existing roads. GRINT transports people, goods, information, water, electrical power, heat/light energy, and sewage. GRINT is integrated with ICS (integrated comfort shelter), IBD (integrated body device), and ECID (evolving converging information device) and SPOLES- society forum/marketplaces. GRINT is aesthetically integrated into the landscape as a net energy source- of electricity, food, water, and information. Along the GRINT there are SPOMES, covered domes producing wind, solar, water, biomass, and geothermal energy.

 Decem Sponergy: Innovation and creation enhances human life. Evolution is an ongoing process. We must persevere in bringing about virtuous transportation. Our grandchildren's existence depends on it. Picture a transportation system integrated as an aesthetic aspect of the landscape- not the determinant of the cultural environment. 

 First corrollary- Tap into the abundant energy all around us Now that we have outlined the basic tenets of Sponergy, let's shortly delve into the renewable energy technologies fueling the future: Internally, human bodies obtain energy from mitochondria, little powerhouses as Mito B. All human societies require external energy for economic production. Our human ancestors burned biomass in the form of wood to heat their homes and cook food. Currently the United States consumes at least 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Joules (1x10^21) 1 ZettaJoule of energy each year. There are 31,536,000 seconds in each year, so the average global human power consumption at any point in time is about 32,000,000,000,000, including the 32 TeraWatts continuously consumed by the United States. We consume 25% of global energy (130 TeraWatts/Second) Current options for energy production: solar (thermal/stirling engine/photovoltaic); wind (all altitudes); hydro (tidal/OTEC/Wave/Current); Geothermal; Biomass (wood/hemp/ethanol/waste/TDP); pumped storage; hemp produced biofuels (methanol/ethanol/methane) hydrogen produced by bacteria or catalyzing water: hydrocarbon fossil fuels (coal, oil); nuclear (fission/fusion). The amount of sunlight reaching the earth's surface is 6,000 times the amount of energy used by all human beings worldwide. The total amount of fossil fuel energy used by humans since the start of civilization is equivalent to less than 30 days of sunshine. Renewable Power vectors: Fuel cells; stored electrical current; combusting hydrogen; compressed air; biofuels. Second corrollary- Instead of mining the Earth and deforesting- utilize biomass The normal citizen is creative, caring, and respectful. I have faith in our generation to ride the wave of wisdom and work to freedom. Geothermal gradients; unlimited solar photons, lastly industrial hemp based tubular biomass for refining into fiber and fuel Production of Energy- Replace combusting fossil fuels and fissioning atoms with stored electricity. Fuel cells, renewable kinetic energy -> magnetic induction -> electrical power Also biomass fuel production, hydrogen produced while desalinizing water with solar energy. We need to envision buildings as energy sources rather than energy sinkholes. Buildings can become the framework on which we can build a decentralized energy network. Use hemp produced biofuel instead of fossil fuels. Use solar water hydrogen instead of natural gas. Use creativity and efficiency in guiding principles farm hotels for energy gathering great lakes for energy production. Cover the sea with silica aerogel covered with carbon biocomposite, an array of solar philm covered hydrokinetic generators and wind fueled , anchored with heavy anchors, aerogel floats substantially above water. No wait, maybe all power comes from the barrel of a gun? On these floating aerogel cities called ocean gardens (whats a better name?) we capture the kinetic and thermal energy of the ocean water, which covers 66% of the earth, we capture the wind energy up to 50,000 feet in the sky, we capture the solar radiation on the whole city, we grow hydroponic crops, we harvest the energy of hurricanes! I call If America turned parking lots into hydroponic garden concert jungles, we'd be swimming in goodness!


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